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Leeds Mindful Employer Network

Making Leeds a beacon city for positive mental health at work.

What is Mindful Employer?

Mindful Employer is a national initiative supporting employers to take a positive approach towards mental health at work.

By signing the Mindful Employer charter employers can make a public declaration of their ambition to support the mental wellbeing of their staff.

Read more about the national Mindful Employer initiative at:

For more information please contact:

Tel: 0113 350 5800

Mindful Employer 1

Leeds Mindful Employer Network

The Leeds Mindful Employer Network brings local employers together to champion positive mental health at work.

The Network was established in 2013. It is a unique offer to Leeds, putting the city at the forefront of initiatives to promote workplace mental health and wellbeing.

It is commissioned by Leeds City Council (Public Health) and led by Leeds Mind in partnership with local employers.

Our membership currently includes over 700 local employers.

The Ten Step Toolkit

The Mindful Employer Ten Step Toolkit has been created by the Leeds Mindful Employer Network. It provides a series of ten steps to help employers (either in Leeds or across the UK) develop and embed good practice in workplace mental health.

Whether you are interested in signing the Mindful Employer Charter or have recently signed it, the Mindful Employer 10 Steps is a fantastic tool to get you started.

Learn more about the Ten Step Toolkit

How can you get involved?

Joining the Leeds network is completely free. It is an inclusive and collaborative space welcoming all local employers and their staff. That means anyone with an interest in improving mental health at work.

Join the network

Since being part of the Mindful Employer Network our
approach to supporting positive mental health has grown and
we’re really seeing the benefits for our workforce...We want
to go home at night knowing all of our staff are healthy and
safe, and we’ll see them again the next morning.

Rachael Atkin, Social Value Manager, Colas

We can help you with areas such as:

  • Developing a healthy workplace culture
  • Raising awareness and tackling stigma
  • Promoting good mental health and well-being
  • Building a mental health strategy or plan
  • Improving manager communication and skills
  • Increasing employee engagement
  • Tracking and monitoring workplace mental health
  • Building a case for investment and support
  • Embedding good practice and making it sustainable
Mindful Employer Meeting

Upcoming events from Leeds Mindful Employer Network

Recent news from Leeds Mindful Employer Network

World Suicide Prevention Day 2024

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