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Peer Support

Struggling with life or your mental health?

Feel like nobody understands?

Want to learn ways to manage the stresses in your life?


Our peer-led skills and support groups might help. We understand because we’ve been there.

We are pleased to offer groups both in-person and online. Please see below for our current programme of courses, workshops and groups.

To book, please complete this short form. Please note, your place is not guaranteed until you receive confirmation from us.

For further information, please call us on 0113 305 5800 (Leeds Mind reception) or email us on

Places are limited so booking is essential.

Contact Peer Support

0113 305 5800 (Leeds Mind reception)

Feedback on our groups includes:

“Although we are apart we can still support each other and are together online”

“It’s easy to get stuck inside your own head in isolation so good to get input from others and get ideas and reminders about how to look after our wellbeing.”

“It is possible to connect and get support online and I can meet new people online and face anxiety and it’s ok. It’s not as bad as I think it will be.”

“I have learned how to look after myself when shielding from Covid-19. I have enjoyed being around others and learned from their experience.”

“An awkward new format was made less awkward by great facilitating.”

Introduction to Peer Support

Our Introduction to Peer Support is an opportunity to find out how peer support can help you, and get a taste of the types of activities you can expect in our groups.

All new group members need to attend an Introduction to Peer Support. This is available in the following ways:

  • Each course has an Introduction to Peer Support at the start (dates under ‘Courses’ below)
  • For workshops or groups, please book onto a separate Introduction to Peer Support (dates below)
  • Not sure which option is best for you? Please contact us or book onto an Introduction to Peer Support to get a taste of what we offer.

To book, please complete this short form. Please note your place is not guaranteed until you receive a booking confirmation from us. You can also book by calling us on 0113 305 5800 (Leeds Mind reception) or emailing

Before attending, please take a few minutes to download and read the following documents:

  1. Guidelines for peer support groups (online guidelines on page 1, general guidelines page 2-3)
  2. Peer Support attendance policy
  3. Guide to using Zoom for online Peer Support

Introduction to Peer Support dates:

  • Next dates TBC


  • If you are a new group member, you need to attend the Introduction to Peer Support in week 1 of the course.
  • If you have attended our groups before, you can join the course in either week 1 or week 2.

Open Minds: Autism and Mental Health (for Autistic people only)

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This course has been designed with and for anyone who identifies as autistic (diagnosed or not) and also experiences mental health difficulties. If you are unsure whether this course is suitable for you, please get in touch.

This 5-week course is an opportunity to explore and recognise the relationship between your autism and your mental health including how you manage change and transitions; the impact of masking and discovering your authentic self; how to set boundaries and self-advocate; and senses and self-care.

The course begins with Introduction to Peer Support; if you have already attended this, you can join the course at Week 2.

The course is an opportunity to explore:

  • Self-esteem
  • Relationships and boundaries
  • How to cope with change


— Monday 17/06/24 to 15/07/24, 6pm-8pm at Clarence House, Horsforth —

— Saturday 29/06/24 to 27/07/24, 3pm-5pm at St Georges Centre, Leeds City Centre —

To book your place fill in this form, use the QR code, email or call Leeds Mind reception on 0113 3055800

QRCode for Open Minds Autism Booking Form e1715170163575

Open Minds: Autism and Anxiety (for Autistic people only)

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This 5 week course has been adapted by and for anyone who identifies as autistic (diagnosed or not). If you are unsure whether this course is suitable for you, please get in touch.

It is an opportunity to explore your experience of anxiety, recognising and challenging unhelpful thoughts, and finding ways of coping and looking after yourself.

The course begins with Introduction to Peer Support; if you have already attended this, you can join the course at Week 2.


— Fridays 9th August – 6th September, 1:30pm-3:30pm, St George’s Centre, Leeds City Centre —

— Mondays 2nd September – 30th September, 6-8pm, Clarence House, Horsforth —


To book your place fill in this form, use the QR code, email or call Leeds Mind reception on 0113 3055800

QRCode for Open Minds Autism Booking Form e1715170163575


Open Minds: Autism – Men’s* Online Focus Group (for Autistic men only)

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We are using these focus groups to help us to understand the needs of Autistic people and help us to develop a series of groups for Autistic people who struggle with their mental health. In order to do this we are asking Autistic people (no formal diagnosis is required) to share their opinion.


— Tuesday 18/06/24, 1pm-3pm online on Zoom —


To book your place fill in this form, use the QR code, email or call Leeds Mind reception on 0113 3055800

QRCode for Open Minds Autism Mens Online Focus Group Booking Form 1

*anyone who identifies as a man (including non-binary, trans and gender fluid people) who would benefit from a men-only space.

Open Minds: Introduction to Peer Support (for Autistic people only)

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This workshop is an introduction into how our peer support groups work. You will learn about our model and how our workshops work.

If you have never attended one of groups before please book onto an Introduction to Peer Support session first.


Wednesday 9th July, 1pm-3pm at Clarence House in Horsforth —

— Friday 13th September, 1:30pm-3:30pm at St George’s Centre in Leeds City Centre —


To book your place fill in this form, use the QR code, email or call Leeds Mind reception on 0113 3055800

QRCode for Open Minds Autism Booking Form 1 e1716909728197

Open Minds: Autism Exploration Conversations (for Autistic people only)

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These 2-hour facilitated, informal discussions for Autistic people about a predetermined topic are an opportunity to share thoughts & experiences around the subject & how it can impact our mental health. This is a supportive environment & an opportunity to meet people with similar experiences.

If you have never attended one of groups before please book onto an Introduction to Peer Support session first.


— Autistic Traits & Impacts – Wednesday 24th July, 1pm-3pm, St George’s Centre, Leeds City Centre —

— Autistic Sensory Experience – Wednesday 21st August, 1pm-3pm, online on Zoom —

— Communicating Autistic Needs – Thursday 26th September, 6pm-8pm, Clarence House, Horsforth —


To book your place fill in this form, use the QR code, email or call Leeds Mind reception on 0113 3055800

QRCode for Open Minds Autism Booking Form 1 e1716909728197

Open Minds: Autism Workshops (for Autistic people only)

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Open Minds Workshops are facilitated, practical sessions where anyone who is autistic (diagnosed or not) who struggles with their mental health is invited to participate in activities to explore and discuss related issues to provide insight and mutual support.

If you have never attended one of groups before please book onto an Introduction to Peer Support session first.


— Autism, Friendship, and Socialising – Wednesday 7th August 1pm-3pm Clarence House, Horsforth —

— Late Diagnosis Autism – Friday 20th September, 1:30pm-3:30pm St George’s Centre, Leeds City Centre —


To book your place fill in this form, use the QR code, email or call Leeds Mind reception on 0113 3055800

QRCode for Open Minds Autism Booking Form 1 e1716909728197

In future, we will be looking to offer a range of courses and workshops covering different content. This will include topics such as: assertiveness, mindfulness, self-compassion, isolation, confidence, resilience, panic, guilt, wellbeing, forgiveness and boundaries. If you’re interested in attending, please keep an eye on this part of the website or alternatively please contact us and ask to be added to our bulk emailing list where we will notify you of any new workshops and courses released.

Support Groups

Develop a deeper understanding of your mental health with weekly support for 12 weeks in a safe, supportive environment with others who have been through similar experiences.  Celebrate successes, receive support when things aren’t going so well, share experiences and learn from other people’s coping strategies.

Hearing Voices Support Group

Sharing your experiences can help you to feel more at ease with the voices or unusual experiences you have. Everybody has different beliefs about what their voices or experiences are and where they come from. 

Some people believe that they are a symptom of their mental health, some people believe that they are the voices of spirits or gods; some people believe they are caused by trauma in their life. Whatever your beliefs, accepting your voices and experiences can be the first step in coping with them. We make no claims about what voices are or are not and we offer a space where everybody is respectful of each other’s beliefs. 

In this group, lived experience is valued and people can share and explore their own experiences, and develop personal coping strategies in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment. 

A previous group member said – “Makes me feel like I’m not so alone with my illness, having someone to talk to about similar things that are happening. Helps me understand things better when I hear about other people’s illness”.

Fridays, 1:00pm-2:30pm in East Leeds

To enquire or book a place in this group please email or call Leeds Mind reception on 0113 305 5800


Mixed Support Group

This group is open to anyone aged 18+ and offers the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of your mental health with weekly support, for 12 weeks in a safe, supportive environment with others who have a similar experience.

Share such experiences, learn from other people’s coping strategies, receive support from them and Celebrate successes.

Be reminded that you are not alone.

Next group date/times tbc

Men* Only 12-Week Support Group

This group is open to any men* aged 18+ and offers the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of your mental health with weekly support, for 12 weeks in a safe, supportive environment with others who have a similar experience.

Share such experiences, learn from other people’s coping strategies, receive support from them and celebrate successes.

Be reminded that you are not alone.

This group will be facilitated by a male staff member.

Next group: 25th June – 10th September, Tuesdays  2pm – 4pm, Kirkstall, Leeds

To book, please fill in this short booking form.

*anyone who identifies as a man (including non-binary, trans and gender fluid people) who would benefit from a men-only space.

Women* Only 12-Week Support Group

This group is open to any women* aged 18+ and offers the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of your mental health with weekly support, for 12 weeks in a safe, supportive environment with others who have a similar experience.

Share such experiences, learn from other people’s coping strategies, receive support from them and celebrate successes.

Be reminded that you are not alone.

This group will be facilitated by a female staff member.

Next group: 2nd July – 17th September, Tuesdays   6pm – 8pm,  Kirkstall, Leeds

To book, please fill in this short booking form.

*anyone who identifies as a woman (including non-binary, trans and gender fluid people) who would benefit from a women-only space.

To join any of our support groups, or if you have any questions about them, please call us on 0113 305 5800 (Leeds Mind reception), email us on

Alternatively, you can book your place by using the QR code or filling in this short form

QRCode for Peer Support Group Booking Form

Places are limited so booking is essential.