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WorkPlace Leeds

Job Retention Support

We believe that maintaining work is not just a means to earning a living but can also play an important role in our wellbeing. Our Job Retention service can help you retain your employment if you feel it is at risk because of your mental health, if you are on long term sick, or if you are struggling in work due to mental health reasons.

What our support includes

For our client

  • Regular one-one support, advice and guidance a Mental Health Job Retention Specialist
  • Support to help gain a better understanding of mental health difficulties in a work environment
  • Support at meetings about work
  • Help to prepare for a return to work after sickness absence
  • Strategies to manage mental health and stress at work
  • Practical advice on achieving and maintaining a work/life balance
  • Access to support groups and workshops to help build confidence and resilience in the workplace
  • Signposting to other support services

For our client’s employer

  • Impartial and confidential advice to identify solutions to work-related issues, helping to retain valuable staff
  • Support to develop effective return-to-work strategies for people experiencing mental health difficulties or work-related stress
  • Help to keep clear lines of communication open between employer and employee, especially during sickness absence
  • Peer group workshops & courses to support our clients to manage their wellbeing at work to help reduce instances of sickness absence

Am I eligible for Job Retention support?

Are you aged 18+?

Are you currently receiving support from a Leeds Secondary Care Mental Health Service?

Do you want support to stay well at work?

Please speak with your mental health support provider and ask to be referred to WorkPlace Leeds; or give us a call on 0113 230 2631.

Professional referrals

Clinicians working in a Leeds Secondary Care Mental Health Service or Support Workers from Adults and Health Mental Health Day Opportunities Services can refer a client to WorkPlace Leeds for Employment or Job Retention Support.

Please email, attached the following form, completed with the relevant details.

Alternatively, please call 0113 230 2631 for support on making a referral.

Referral form for professionals

“If the Job Retention Specialist hadn’t been there to discuss what was happening with my work situation… I would not have survived”