“The caring and compassionate input made such a difference.”
Employment Support and Job Retention services
WorkPlace Leeds provides specialist mental health Employment Support and Job Retention services throughout Leeds. Employment is an important part of mental health recovery and we support the aim that people are able to find employment when they want, maintain a family and social life whilst contributing to their community, and avoid loneliness and isolation. The services are provided through a combination of one-to-one sessions and group work.

Our work is built on 20 years’ mental health employment support experience and WorkPlace Leeds has been recognised by the Centre for Mental Health as a virtual ‘Centre of Excellence’. Our approach is delivered in accordance with the evidence-based Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model for vocational services.
This service is delivered in partnership with Community Links and Touchstone, and we also work in partnership with a number of voluntary and statutory sector organisations including the Positive Pathways Housing Service and Leeds City Council.
Access to the services is through referral, with the exception of our workshops and courses for people in work – please see each service listed below for more information about eligibility and referrals.
We also offer training on mental health awareness; both specific line managers’ support and training for front-line workers.
Download the Mental Health Employment and Community Support Directory here.