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WorkPlace Leeds

IT & Digital Support

For clients accessing support via the Mental Health Day Opportunities HUBs or our IPS Employment Support and Job Retention Services we offer support, guidance and training around all things digital.

Support can include:

  • Tips on using a smartphone
  • Help setting up email accounts
  • An introduction to using social media
  • Support to get accredited qualifications in both IT basics and Microsoft Office
  • Training sessions in our dedicated IT suite
  • 1-to-1 support in the community
  • 1-to-1 support from your own home via phone, email and video calls

Clients of the service have access to a digital device loan scheme, and we can show you how to use these with confidence.

Support can be regular and ongoing for as long as you’re accessing a WorkPlace Leeds service, or just one or two meetings, but is always led by your individual needs.

For more information speak to your Day Opportunities Support worker, WorkPlace Leeds Employment Specialist or Job Retention Specialist.