Every year, June is celebrated nationwide as Pride.
We celebrate in our local community for #LeedsPride in August. But in the meantime, we wanted to explore the link between mental health and LGBTQIA+ identities. Here, we take a look at that, and outline some of the support in and around Leeds for LGBTQIA+ mental health.

Pride and mental health
We celebrate Pride because we know that being proud of who you are – whoever you are, and whoever you love – can play a big part in helping our mental wellbeing.
We also know that the stigma and discrimination that still exists means that we in the LGBTQIA+ community are at greater risk of mental health difficulties; in fact, we’re two to three times more likely than straight people and/or people who identify to the gender given to them at birth.
2018 reports from LGBTIQ+ rights charity Stonewall found that:
- Over half of the LGBTIQ+ people they spoke to had experienced depression in the last year (with a further 10% believing they may have experienced it too)
- Rates of depression were higher for trans people (67%)
- Rates in non-binary people were higher still, at 70%
- People who are bi are 13% more likely to experience depression than people who identify as gay or lesbian
It’s important to remember that we might have mental health difficulties that relate to some other factor in our lives – it may have nothing to do with a queer identity. Equally, some LGBTQIA+ people may never have experienced any mental health difficulties.
There’s lots of information and advice about LGBTQIA+ mental health on Mind’s website – for example, info on LGBTQIA+ mental health, LGBT+ experiences, and info on supporting someone who is LGBTQIA+.
In Leeds, there is lots of support and communities available for LGBTQIA+ people. (Opening times and contact details accurate as of June 2023)
LGBTQIA+ Mental Health Support and Communities in Leeds
Leeds Mind
Local mental health charity – groups, counselling, creative wellbeing, workplace support, training. Open Minds peer support programme for LGBT+ people.
www.leedsmind.org.uk 0113 305 5800 info@leedsmind.org.uk (9am-5pm Mon – Thurs, 9am – 4:30pm Fridays)
Linking Leeds
Practical and emotional support. www.linkingleeds.com 0113 336 7621 (9-5 weekdays)
Live Well Leeds
Groups and MH support www.livewellleeds.org.uk 0113 219 2727 info@livewellleeds.org.uk
Leeds Survivor-Led Crisis Service
LGBT+ Group and trans/non-binary group www.lslcs.org.uk 0113 260 9328 lulu.spargo@lslcs.org.uk
- LGBT+ Group at Dial House https://www.lslcs.org.uk/services/group-work-2/lgbttrans-group/
- Trans & Non-binary Group https://www.lslcs.org.uk/services/group-work-2/lgbt/
Mental health and wellbeing services, committed to equality, independence and choice
www.touchstonesupport.org.uk 0113 271 8277 supportcentre@touchstonesupport.org.uk (9am-5pm Mon – Thurs, 9am – 4:30pm Fridays)
For people 18+. Peer support groups (inc. separate masc and fem), socials, swimming and gym, binder library, advocacy, training.
www.transleeds.org contact@transleeds.org (9am – 5pm weekdays)
Gendered Intelligence Leeds groups (13-21)
www.genderedintelligence.co.uk 0330 3559 678 (WhatsApp 07592 650 496) supportline@genderedintelligence.co.uk (9-5 weekdays)
Yorkshire MESMAC
Sexual and MH support for LGBT+. Counselling, individual/group support, BME, asylum/refugee-specific
www.mesmac.co.uk 0113 244 4209 leeds@mesmac.co.uk (10am-5pm weekdays)
Youth group for young trans people ages 13-18. Contact: 0113 378 6840 youth.service@leeds.gov.uk (self-referral)
Non-binary Leeds
Monthly social and support group
www.nonbinaryleeds.org.uk, nonbinaryleeds@gmail.com
Girl Gang Leeds
Inclusive community that supports women, non-binary and trans people. Events, meet-ups, art markets, book club, screenings, live shows, workshops and more @girlgangleeds on Insta
Rainbow Alliance
Network of staff, service users and carers committed to enhancing the quality of services for LGBT+ communities, in @RainbowLYPFT rainbow.lypft@nhs.net
Trans Mental Health Drop-in at Rainbow Junktion
12pm – 3pm every 2nd Thursday of the month, starting Thursday 8th June. https://www.facebook.com/rainbowjunktion/