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Home care horsforth mindful employerRight at Home North Leeds, Otley and Horsforth is a trusted provided of quality home care services.

This business has been awarded Leeds Mindful Employer Network Member of the Quarter following the anonymous nomination below.

“Right at Home go out of their way to care for the wellbeing of their staff. They have created an employee resource zone in the office where staff can access a wealth of free information about support with anything from overcoming addiction to help with financial difficulties and more. This resource zone is in a discreet location so staff can access the information anonymously.”

Mindful Employer Project Coordinator, Leigh Staunton, has been chatting to Right at Home North Leeds’ Director, Rachel Critchley, about their approach to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their employees.

Congratulations to Right at Home North Leeds, Otley and Horsforth on being awarded our Mindful Employer(s) of the Quarter. How does it feel to read the nomination?

I’m incredibly proud of our dedicated home care team in Horsforth, North Leeds, for achieving this prestigious award! It’s truly fulfilling to see our commitment to prioritising our team’s well-being and mental health recognised beyond our home care business.
At Right at Home North Leeds, Otley, and Horsforth, we cultivate a nurturing environment where mental health is not only prioritised but openly discussed and encouraged. It’s vital to us that our team feels supported and valued, given their tireless dedication to supporting the elderly and those in need of care. They give so much of themselves to others, and it’s only fitting that we reciprocate.

Tell us a bit more about you and Right at Home North Leeds.

Right at Home North Leeds, Otley, and Horsforth is more than just a care provider; Our empathetic CareGivers are dedicated to making a meaningful impact on the lives of our Clients, united by our shared values. Each member goes above and beyond, finding fulfilment in serving others. With a minimum visit duration of one hour, we ensure ample time to treat our Clients with the dignity, respect, and attention they deserve. This approach instils confidence, value, and worth in our Clients, while alleviating any feelings of loneliness.

We’re proud to be recognised as the Best Home Care Provider of the Year, being the most highest rated on and spending five years in the Top 20!

My name is Rachel, and I have lived in North Leeds for the last 22 years, owning my own businesses for the last 14 of these. I understand the pivotal role that people and staff play in the success of any business. Leading by example and treating others with the same respect I seek are the foundations for a happy and cohesive team. I firmly believe that when our team is content and valued, our Clients reap the benefits, feeling secure, at ease, and genuinely cared for.

Why is staff wellbeing and mental health a priority at Right at Home North Leeds?

At Right at Home North Leeds, staff well-being and mental health are paramount because we recognise that our CareGivers are our greatest asset. They dedicate their time and energy, both physically and emotionally, to the elderly and adults living in Leeds. So it’s only right that someone looks after them. We understand the demanding nature of the caregiving profession and the importance of creating a supportive environment where our team members feel valued, respected, and equipped to manage their mental health effectively.

Tell us about ways you are embedding a positive approach to mental health at work?

We embed a positive approach to mental health at work through various initiatives, including regular weekly check-ins with our carers and office team. We provide access to mental health resources and training in our wellness area and promote open communication around mental health, leading to an ingrained culture of empathy and understanding.

As a “mindful employer, disability confident, and age-friendly employer,” we share these core values, demonstrating to our team our company’s ethos and inclusiveness. We’re proud to be charter signatories for race equality and EIDA and we have become dignity champions as well.

Our employee assistance program provides our team with 24/7 support, complemented by an online wellbeing hub, CBT workbooks, and clinically validated assessments with support goals. Additionally, we have a weekly staff newsletter and recognise birthdays, long service, and going the extra mile with our GEM awards….And did I mention we also have a training bed where people can come in and rest, along with a poem that reassures them it’s okay to take time out and rest their weary heads!

How will you know your approach is working?

We gauge the effectiveness of our approach by regularly soliciting feedback from our team members through surveys and one-on-one discussions. Additionally, we monitor indicators such as staff retention rates, levels of absenteeism (both of which are excellent), reviews, and overall job satisfaction to assess the impact of our initiatives on staff well-being.
A recent independent Workbuzz survey of more than 1700 CareGivers at Right at Home scored the business nationally as a 5-star employer, with 93% of CareGivers saying they were proud to work for Right at Home, 95% rating our “Princess Royal Awarded” training as good or excellent, and 98% of carers saying they were clear on what was expected of them. This marks the 5th year that we have been rated as a 5-star employer!

Even before reviewing the data, it’s evident that our team is content, motivated, and deeply committed to their work, regardless of any personal challenges they may be facing.

Why did Right at Home North Leeds decide to sign the national Mindful Employer charter?

Right at Home North Leeds decided to sign the national Mindful Employer charter because we are committed to creating a mentally healthy workplace and supporting the mental wellbeing of our team members. Signing the charter aligns with our values and demonstrates our dedication to promoting positive mental health practices.

What are you most proud of in Right at Home North Leeds’ workplace wellbeing journey so far?

One of the aspects we’re most proud of in our workplace well-being journey so far is the positive cultural shift we’ve witnessed within our organisation. We’ve developed an open and supportive environment where team members feel comfortable seeking help when needed and supporting each other through challenging times. It’s heartening to have members of our team open up to me and even drop by the office unannounced for a chat over a cuppa!

What would you say to someone who is considering joining the Leeds Mindful Employers Network?

I would say that it’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with like-minded organisations and access valuable resources and support to enhance your approach to staff wellbeing and mental health. Being part of the network allows for collaboration and learning from others’ experiences, ultimately benefiting both employees and your

What are your priorities in terms of employee wellbeing for the next 12 months?

We plan to further enhance our mental health support services by training a member of our team to become a Mental Health Champion. We would also like to expand our training opportunities by recruiting internally for Menopause and IDAS Champions. In addition to our current mandatory equality and diversity training, we will be opening a new position within the business for a Diversity Champion in alignment with our Safe To Be You Charter too.
As we move forward, I’m confident that new ideas will arise organically over the next 12 months. We remain open to improvement and change, eagerly anticipating innovative approaches that we can embrace here in Horsforth, North Leeds.

Thank you to Rachel for contributing to this blog.

Find out more about Leeds Mindful Employer Network on our web page, or contact