Mindful Employer Leeds - the network in the city working towards positive attitudes to mental health at work - is hosting a week-long virtual conference 15 - 19 March 2021, around mental 'Wellbeing @ Work', in partnership with Leeds City Council Public Health and Leeds Mind.

Wellbeing @ Work 2021 is a week-long virtual conference about mental health at work – it’s not just for HR managers and business owners, but absolutely everyone working across the private, public and voluntary sectors, including independent businesses and sole traders. So everyone from hairdressers and handypeople to HR managers and Heads of departments.
It’s all free, and attendees can attend as few or as many of the sessions as they like. Sessions explore managing the impact of COVID-19 on workplace mental health, maintaining mentally healthy workplaces in an uncertain environment, and using the learning from the pandemic to advance workplace wellbeing in the future.
There are more than 50 speakers including:
- Tom Riordan, Chief Executive of Leeds City Council
- Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind, the nationwide mental health charity
- Jo Loughran, Director of Time To Change
- Helen Kemp, Chief Executive of Leeds Mind
- Victoria Eaton Director of Public Health at Leeds City Council
Further speakers come from organisations such as: Acas, Leeds Women’s Aid, West Yorkshire Police, Yorkshire Water, Leeds Trinity University, Meanwood Urban Valley Farm, Azure Consulting, Inkwell Arts, Space2, Leeds Mindfulness Cooperative, Touchstone, Job Centre Plus, and many more.
The conference is 15th – 19th March, and we have almost 400 people signed up already. You can find more info about it here, including a schedule of each day’s activities.
Laura McCullagh, Mindful Employer Leeds Coordinator, said: “Work and employment issues have been a major factor for so many throughout the pandemic, whether that’s been because of furlough or redundancies, lost income or simply trying to continue working alongside home-schooling, increased care responsibilities or other worries.
“The Mindful Employer Leeds network usually holds an in-person conference event every year, but we’ve gone virtual in 2021 for obvious reasons. Holding it virtually has actually allowed us to broaden the scope of talks and workshops that we have across a whole week, so there will be something for everyone, and we can really attempt to cover the breadth of experience that all employers, staff and volunteers have had in the past year.
“It’s not just bosses and business owners that have felt the additional stresses that COVID-19 has brought, so it’s critical we hear from all voices when we’re thinking about how to improve workplace wellbeing now and into the future.”
Register for your free place here: Wellbeing @ Work 2021: Covid-19 and beyond Tickets, Mon 15 Mar 2021 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
Got questions? Contact mindfulemployer@leedsmind.org.uk